The Mamas Squad for Dubai 7s

We can finally announce squad representing The Mamas at this years Dubai 7s:
Brenda Kayiyi, Uganda
Cecilia Burebrink, Sweden
Emma Oroma, Uganda
Fiorenza Baldari Zambini, Italy
Helen Buteme, Uganda
Irene Bunihizi Namapii, Uganda
Lucy Wotton Zaug, England
Maria Alvarez, Sweden/Bolivia
Marcela Marre Hugosson, Sweden/Chile
Moa Wejle, Germany/Sweden
Sanni Virtanen, Finland
Valeria Monacelli, Italy
The tournament will take place 4-6/12 and our goal is to win the International Open Invitational competition. Together these players have 23 kids and represent not only the team, but also their children and families. Therefore, as we usually say, we play for the kids!!!

via Facebook.

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Wo kann ich in Deutschland Frauenrugby spielen? Looking for a womens rugby team in Germany?


(English summary below)

Vermutlich gibt es weit mehr Frauen und Maedchen, die sich in Deutschland fuer Rugby interessieren, als schliesslich in den Vereinen ankommen. Sie finden keine sinnvollen Informationen, der naechstgelegene Club hat kein Frauen/Maedchen-Team und so fort.

Eine erster Anhaltspunkt fuer die Teamsuche ist diese Liste:

Wer sich nicht scheut, als einzige Frau/Maedchen mit Maennern/Jungs zu trainieren, kann auch mit etwas Hartnaeckigkeit bei einem “reinen” Maennerclub aufschlagen:


Leider sind die weissen Flecken noch sehr zahlreich, bzw teilweise die Anfahrtswege zum naechsten Club zu weit, grade fuer Maedchen/Schuelerinnen, die noch keinen Fuehrerschein haben, bzw keinen Zugriff auf ein Fahrzeug.

Eine andere Moeglichkeit waere, in der Schule (oder auch an der Uni -> Hochschulsport) eine Rugby-AG bzw Rugby-Kurs anzuregen. Der jeweilige Landesverband ([pageid]=38&data[subpage]=) kann da sicher hilfreich zur Seite stehen.

Und nicht zuletzt stehen auch die Mitarbeiter der Deutschen Rugby Frauen gerne helfend zur Seite…

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Another The Mamas success story!

Sometimes you just have to try and all your effort will be rewarded immediately! We found an interesting ad on facebook, a coaching camp in Germany for young athletes in african countries.
Helen had just the right girl in her mind and together with Sanni and Annekatrin they wrote the winning application in record time!

This is a quote from Sannis fb entry after hearing that Hilda was accepted:

“The girls and women in Uganda will stay in my heart for ever, that is for sure. In this photo the Sharks have won the championship and are ready to go home to celebrate. In the middle we can see Hilda. The following text is from Hilda´s application to get into a young coaches camp. Nina Corda found the camp, Moa Wejle sent the info further, Helen Koyokoyo Buteme and Annekatrin Els agreed that Hilda would be a very good candidate and helped her to write the application. I really did nothing, but was there and followed and supported and cried when just few days ago we heard, that Hilda was accepted and is on her way to Germany soon.
“I grew up in Buhiga village, Kisoro district, Western Uganda. I am the 4th born in a family of 7. My father is a peasant farmer and my mother is deceased. I travelled to Entebbe from my village in 2012 after someone came to my village and introduced rugby. I fell in love with the game and wanted to develop further and dreamed about playing for Uganda. My dream came true when I represented Uganda in the Confederation of African Rugby (CAR) 7 aside rugby tournament in Machakos, Kenya in April 2014 and I want to share my dream with other girls and I can do that through coaching.
My first love is now rugby. Running and playing rugby are talents that God gave me and I like the challenge of testing myself against other people and pushing myself to beat them. I really enjoy sports – I have a lot of fun. I can interact with people, make new friends and develop myself as an individual. I am now more confident in myself despite only having lived in a city for 2 years. Through rugby I was able to complete my education as a senior rugby player appreciated my talent and sponsored my final 2 years in school.

I am a coach, because I would like to pass on my knowledge to other girls and I believe that rugby is a game that enables girls to learn team work, keep healthy, and develop confidence in themselves.

My dream is to have more girls in Entebbe playing rugby and to go back to my village in Kisoro and introduce both tag rugby and contact rugby there. I also dream that one day some of the girls that I coach will play for Uganda”

This is The Mamas, for me. I will keep on working.”

Posted in #wrugby, 2014, outreach, projects, uganda | Leave a comment

The Mamas@Stockholm10s!

One of the highlights in our team year is the Stockholm10s.

Sanni Virtanen, Finland
Léonie Robert, Switzerland
Valeria Monacelli, Italy
Anna Michniewicz, Poland/Norway
Helen Koyokoyo Buteme, Uganda
Cecilia Burebrink, Sweden
Marcela Marre Hugosson, Sweden/Chile
Elizabet Sandberg, Sweden
Maria Weibull, Sweden
Emma Tibell, Sweden
Maria Alvarez, Sweden/Bolivia
Rose Souza, Brasil/Sweden
Sofie Blume Fd Pehrsson, Sweden
Moa Wejle, Germany/Sweden

Carolina Madsen, Sweden, is making sure we are getting plenty of water and food and Ingelsta Kalkon has sponsored with food.

Together we represent an international family of 15 mothers and 29 kids!!!!! Awesome!!! The Mamas are so proud have you!!!

(update: rumor has it that helen got lost on the bus and missed the first game)

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The Mamas reaching out – Sannis trip to Uganda

Fellow Mama Sanni Virtannen traveled to Uganda to meet up with Helen Buteme (Female Rugby Development in Uganda) and Annekatrin Els (Entebbe Sharks). It wasn’t her first trip to an african country, she’s been to Botswana last year with a group of finnish players.

Q: Please share the quintessence of your trip with us….
A: We are definitely on the right track. The trip to Uganda underlined and clarified that. It all comes down to: rugby makes girls stronger, as simple as that.

Q: What is it that rugby to offer to these girls?
A: What rugby gives to these girls goes way beyond the sport. It might be the first time in their lives they are needed, heard, pushed forward and counted on. What they do, whether it is push ups alone or tackling for their team, or baking for raising funds, gives results. They can set goals for themselves in a very concrete way, and see and feel the results. The girls come from such backgrounds that often it feels like they really have no power over their own lives. In rugby they can be the ones who decide; if I do my push ups, if I walk all the way to trainings, if I give my all in a game, I will be a part of the team. I will succeed, I will get to travel even, I will have this adult in my life who cares for me. I even might get my school fees payed. It is up to me. And that, to me, is one of the greatest things and should never be forgotten.

Q: Are all the girls this determined?
A: Some of the girls take that chance, some don’t. Helen is amazing. She sees that some things are up to the girls themselves; the push ups, remembering the mouth guard, giving all you have in the practise. And then there are things, that the girls have no power over. Like money, family, school events on a game day. If the girls make the right decisions in what they can, Helen is ready to work her butt off for the rest. She will find the money for the travelling, she will help with the school fees, she will go and talk to the parents. She supports the coaches and travels to see the girls constantly. Irene (her sister) is there with her, and they also are active in the association. Even if not everybody likes them- they are strong and they say what is on their mind. They make things happen, big time.

Q: Besides projects like “Boob Support”, how can the Mamas help to make this work?
A: We are nothing without the locals. They are the heart and soul and our part is to support them. To create a way to tell them how extremely important their work is, is very important. As people tend to get tired and even blind to their own work. We have great connections, and the way I see The Mamas leans more and more to the direction where the network and the connections are our biggest asset.
If we can somehow help them, somehow support and lighten their job for a while and also give the girls the feeling that they are appreciated and important, it is a lot already. Sports bras and equipment is one thing. To go there and be with them, coach and make them laugh and learn, is another. Both important. To not just leave and forgot them is also very important. We need to keep in touch, with the coaches and the players, if nothing else just to have a forum for people to send greetings, photos, coaching tips… and ask how are you, whats happening, it was great to meet you.

Q: This sounds very positive, but maybe there are also some downsides?
A: We can never fully know how things are in the place we visit; how active the people, how well functioning the association, the culture itself, the “picture of a woman/girl in sports” might be. Still, we need to work with the locals and from their point of view adding our own, strong point. It’s no use of going somewhere and just listen and copy what they have done in the past. But even worse would be to go somewhere with a message and schedule that is not flexible to anything. The point is to go there, have a strong, solid The Mamas-Message, and see how that message can benefit the girls and actives. To know the core of the message so well, that it can be moulded to the needs of the group of people we work with. We do not go only to teach or only to learn. We go to co-operate.
The deeper message behind this all is, at least to me, the simple fact: there are many ways of being a woman, and a mother. It is more than ok to be strong, even loud. We need to find time to talk with people. Playing together creates a connection, and that opens a chance for interacting and learning from each other. We did a few little “exercises” with the Sharks that were about their role in the team, about teamwork in general or about self-confidence. I wish we had done more of those. If I would now go again I would find more time for those. They were not very used to such thinking, as also the school system is very different from ours – reflecting, evaluating themselves, giving feed back to others, setting goals… those are things that are very familiar to us, but not necessarily to these girls or their coaches. I believe they could benefit from that greatly.

Q: Did the trip give You some new ideas about our work with the Mamas?
A: Maybe, in the future, we can have The Mamas coaching courses, camps for teams or individual players, or some other kind of sponsored more concrete way of supporting the people who share our vision. But there are things we can do already now (or can we?). I think one of the very first priorities is to get a well functioning home page, that includes a lot of stuff; the blog, the fb pages, the basic info about us, stories of what we have already done and plans for what might happen next. There is the players group, the “back to the game” training group, there could be a section for the teens…. So many things that at least in my head they are a bit of a mess and I don’t know where to start!

Q: Well then: last words!
A: More concrete stuff, we need Mamas stuff, for us. We need to have T-shirts or such for travelling – people are interested. We need to have a brochure and business cards. When we travel, we need to be able to represent, constantly. Just today I was sailing in a traditional fishing boat in Zanzibar talking to a Swedish lady about us. What we do might be very small compared to many other organizations, but it is understandable and interesting. Boob Support always makes people ask more.

Thanks, Sanni, for this beautiful example of The Mamas work!

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Although this is not about moms, it’s about women who make sacrifices to ruck….

#carrythemhome | itsnotclever.

And it’s an inspring read. So read this!

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Roma7s Fairplay Winner

Roma7s Fairplay Winner

Roma 7s. We gave our best and fought with what we had until the end.
We came, We saw, We conquered…..
The Prize of Fair Play!!!
Thank you girls for playing, thank you partners, kids and supporters, thank you Roma 7s – organisers and referees – for having us.
It has been a great weekend! Arrivederci!

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Boob Support!

As rugby players we all value a good sports bra.

Just imagine having to hold the ball in one hand while trying to keep your boobs from jumping out of that XXL-sized hand-me-down jersey you got from the mens team….

We are supporting boobs with our newest event:

The world-wide collection of sports bras for our friends in Uganda. The main date will be 6th of April, the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace. But of course you can start collecting now and also the week after #april6sportanddevelopment


We created a facebook event:

And we’re setting up a map, so you can find a collection box near you!

(this may be subject to change!)

How can you help?

By setting up a collecting box at your club, the gym, the pub, at school….

And especially by being an ambassador to the cause in your city or even country.

We need not only bras, but also people willing to collect them and ship them.

And we need money for shipping. You can donate via betterplace:

Or, if you are planning to travel to Uganda or know someone who will travel in the next months: just put some bras in your luggage!


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Emma Croker, England’s mother of multi-taskers | Sport | The Observer

Emma Croker, England's mother of multi-taskers | Sport | The Observer.

Interesting, although I doubt that every Mom hit by a cesarean section is fully recovered at 4 months post partum. Plus there are often psychological obstacles.

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Welcome our newest Mama:


Our team shanghaid her at Majorca Beach Rugby.

And this is what she says:

“But you forgot something too: while we were playing the first match, all the spanish young teams at our backs were surprised (I´m the only 40 years old who play rugby), and started shouting GO MAMAS GO! and wanted to play with you too. Everybody wanted to changed your t-shirt and played. Even Ponent, who losted with you the first day and weren´t very happy wanted to playe with you next day. You really are something special, and thanks to you, the mentallity of many people can change, and this is what I´m triyng to do here. Rugby is difficult for women, but after some “age”, or specially when you have children, is like “no way, choose another kind of sport, like runnig or swimming”, and I always saying YOU ARE WHAT YOU ARE, AND YOU MUST DO WHAT YOU WANT TO DO, NOT WHAT THE OTHERS CHOOSE FOR YOU. So, you really really were very special here for me! Image

(Maria and Carolina holding the silver plate)

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